HR-5054RT 全自动PCB线路板超声波清洗机
HR-5054RT fully automatic PCB ultrasonic cleaning and drying machine
1. 主要用于清洗PCB线路板上的助焊剂及松香
2. 采用多级高频超声波清洗、漂洗工艺,效果佳
3. 采用蒸汽浴洗、冷冻干燥,确保工作清洗后表面的洁净度
4. 槽内四周安装冷排管,配置冷冻机组,防止液体的挥发
5. 采用一套多臂机械手全自动作业,适合批量生产,提高生产效率
6. 清洗液补充液位自动控制,定量供给
7. 引用日本高效蒸馏回收技术和循环过滤系统,重复利用清洗液
8. 各功能过载声光报警
9. PLC全程序控制及触摸屏人机界面操作
Product Features:
1. Mainly used for cleaning flux and rosin on PCB circuit board.
2. Using multi frequency ultrasonic cleaning, rinsing process , good efficiency
3. Using steam bath, freeze drying, ensure the cleanliness of the cleaned surface
4. Groove arranged around the cooling pipe, allocation of refrigeration units, to prevent the liquid.
5. Using a multi arm robot automatic operation, suitable for mass production, improve production efficiency
6. Automatic control of the cleaning liquid supplement level, ration
7. Quoting Japan efficient distillation technology and circulation filter system, the cleaning liquid can be use of repeating
8. Each function overload alarm
9. Full program control of PLC and touch screen man-machine interface operation
电能表线路板超声波清洗机 |